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NIH Environmental Management System

Take Action to Protect the Future


2024 NIH Green Labs Fair

The NIH Green Labs Fair is an annual event that showcas​es products and techniques that could be used by labs at the NIH to reduce their impact on the environment. This year's event will be held on September 26th, 2024 from 10am-3pm in the South Lobby of Building 10. A wide variety of green products and vendors will be present at the Green Labs Fair, in addition to information on green practices. A list of vendors and a few of their green products is available below. We will be adding information up to the week of the event, so check back often for the latest additions. We hope to see you at the event!

​To promote the Green Labs Fair, we created a few virtual backgrounds (Option 1, Option 2, Option 3​)! Follow these instructions​ to download the background and use it during your meetings.​

Learn about green products here! 

Vendor​ ​Green Products​
​​Advanced Cell Diagnostics

​​Advanced Cell Diagnostics

​- Hi-plex Assay & Probes - these ​assays provide a powerful and efficient plexing tool for validation and visualization of multiple targets with a vast catalog of RNA scope probes

Rep Contact Info: John Pulliam  -

Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies

​- Certified Pre-Owned Instruments - purchase certified pre-owned instruments to reduce waste
- ProteoAnalyzer - this ​automated parallel capillary electrophoresis instrument is fast, efficient and reduces waste
- TapeStation - an automated electrophoresis solution for the sample quality control of DNA and RNA samples​​, which drastically reduces the consumption volume of samples and reagents

Rep Contact Info: Nasy Rezaie  -  ​​

Benjamin Office Supply

Benjamin Office Supply

​- Recycled Pop-Up Notes​
- Earth's Choice Plant-Based 3-Ring Binder
- 100% Recycled Facial Tissues

Rep Contact Info: Stuart Goldstein  -  ​

Bio Techne

​​​- ELISA Kits​ - an efficent and essential tool across a broad spectrum of applications, spanning from profiling the immune system to driving forward drug discovery and facilitating therapeutic response assessments in clinical trials

Rep Contact Info: Yohannes Adall  -​

​Diversified Biotech

Diversified Biotech

​​- Planet-Safe Sustainable Labware
​​- Planet-Safe Cell Culture Dishes
- Planet-Safe Microplates

Rep Contact Info: Virginia Hickey  -

Diversified Laboratory Repair (DLR)


​- Uses natural refrigerants with low global warming potential
- Refrigerant recycling reduces the need for additional production
- Material recycling, preventative maintenance and repairs help extend product life cycles
​- Green Campaign

Rep Contact Info: Warren Klug  -  ​

​​DuVALL Services Company

​- Offers biomedical ​equipment repair services​, with a specialty in Sorvall Centrifuges
- Purchase refurbished instruments or repair parts to extend the lifetime of lab equipment!
- Also provides ​​calibration contracts, centrifuge certifications, emergency services, maintenance contracts, and preventative maintenance services



​​- The Cent​rifuge 5427 R is the first centrifuge from Eppendorf with a natural coolant
- Biobased Pipette Tips & Biobased Tubes

Rep Contact Info: Debbie Panizari​  -​​​

Fisher Scientific

​Fisher Scientific

​- The Fisher Scientific S​ustainability Program has resources ​to help your lab
- Greener Choi​​ce Program - Look for the green leaf icon to indicate environmentally preferred products
- Biodegradable nitrile gloves from SW S​​afety and SHOWA
- Various recycling programs: TerraCycle for many types of waste, Fisherbrand Pipette Tip Recycling, Dupont Tyvek Garment Recycling, Kimberly-Clark RightCycle PPE​ Recycling

Rep Contact Info: Emma Holmes  -



​- Diamond Brand Towerpack Pipette Tips, which are an easy-to-use reload pipette tip system that uses 70% less plastic and also saves space on the bench
- Diamond Brand Blister Packs, which are a sterile and filtered pipette tip option that uses 45% less plastic than traditional racked tips
- Diamond Brand Ecopacks, which are a bulk packaging of unracked tips for those who want to reuse the boxes they already have

Rep Contact Info: Kyle Levy  -
Greiner Bio-One

​Greiner Bio-One

- The CELLdisc​ product offers​ a compact and efficient platform for mass ​cell cultures 
- High throughput screening plates​
- 3D cell culture products

Rep Contact Info: Ryan Inge  -  ​



​- DeNovix CellDrop Counter counts cells without using plastic slides
- DeNovix Microvolume Spectrophotometer uses low energy and a small amount of space
- National Diagnostics Histo-Clear​ provides an alternative to hazardous xylene
- BMG Labtech Multifunctional Microplate Readers ​use less than half a watt of power in standby mode

Rep Contact Info: Beth Clark  -



​​- Reserach Edition Electronic Lab Notebook​ allows you to record research, manage data and collaborate on ultra-secure software that can be accessed from anywhere
- Inventory Software is h​ighly customizable and convenient software for finding, linking and using inventory
- Scheduler Software allows you to see at a glance what is being used, when and by whom and keep your lab running at peak efficiency

Rep Contact Info: Jeremy Miller  -​​​​​



​​- Stericup E​Steritop E Filter Units
- GenElute Purification Kits
- Green Solvents

Rep Contact Info: Lauren Purser  -  ​​
NIH Federal Credit Union


​​​- Energy Efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems in office spaces, using energy-saving devices, and promoting practices to reduce overall energy consumption.
Sustainable Procurement: Purchasing products and services from vendors who adhere to sustainable practices. Choosing eco-friendly office supplies and materials.
Employee Engagement: Encouraging employees to participate in sustainability programs and providing training on green practices.

NIH Supply Center

NIH Supply Center Brand

- Showa Gloves (biodegradable and U.S.-made)
- DeNovix DS-11 spectrophotometer uses low energy and a small amount of space
​​- Notebook w/ Environmentally Friendly Natural Stone Paper

Rep Contact Info: NIHSC-CustomerService@od.nih​.gov  -  1-833-3 ONE NIH (1-833-366-3644)​
​PHC Corporation

PHC Corporation

​​- Energy-Efficient Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Rep Contact Info: John Bergen  -



- EarthRack​ - compostable and biodegradable tip rack, which significantly reduces plastic use and waste​
​​- TerraRack Tips - 100% recyclable tip racks that use 41% less plastic than conventional racks​
- Green-Pak SpaceSaver - stackable pipette tip refills featuring recyclable shells for 80% less packaging waste

​​Rep Contact Info: Nicole Kwok  -  ​

Thermo Fisher​​ Scientific

Thermo Fisher​​ Scientific

- ​​SHOWA biodegradable and Made-in-USA glove options
- TerraCycle recycling options for a variety of waste streams, Fisherbrand Pipette Tip Box Recycling, Dupont Tyvek Garment Recycling, RightCycle by Kimberly Clark PPE Recycling
- Energy-Efficient Cold Storage​ (ULT Freezers, Lab Freezers & Refrigerators) made at a zero-waste facility, with the Energy Star label and ACT label

Rep C​ontact Info: Nicole Page  -

Thomas Scientific

Thomas Scientific

​- SW Powerform Biodegradable Nitrile Gloves
- Revolve Dry Cleanroom Wipes​, made with 100% upcycled polyester material
USA Scientific

​USA Scientific

​​- All TipOne packaging components can be recycled. The racks, wafers, lids, refill components, and stack shells are polypropylene (#5). Other packaging components are chipboard cardboard and olefin (#7).
- ​In many areas of the country, sales reps collect used TipOne racks and wafers and take them to recycling centers. Tip rack recycling has been an important USA Scientific service since the early 1990’s.​
- The entire TipOne production facility is powered by 100% wind energy.​

Rep Contact Info: Frank Olszewski  -  ​



​​- SHOWA Biodegradable, ​Disposable Nitrile Gloves
- Time and sample efficient flow cytometry and cell counter equipment
- Energy efficient imagers and plate readers

Rep Contact Info: Lynda Allemong  -

10X Genomics

10X Genomics

​​- Gene Expression Flex Assay - this assay for ​single cell RNA-sequencing ​allows for an up-front 4% PFA fixation, so the burden of working with fresh cells is no longer of issue. ​Instead, samples can be collected and fixed, then subsequently pooled for the remainder of the workflow. This pooling reduces plastic chip and reagent usage, resulting in a greener workflow.

Rep Contact Info: Alex Schneider  -  ​​

* The NIH does not endorse any of these products.

We hope that everyone discovers a new green product for their lab! The Green Labs Fair was first created over a decade ago by a few dedicated NIH researchers that were members of the Sustainable Laboratory Practices Working Group. The founding members are: Minoo Shakoury-Elizah, Daman Kumari, Jean Tiong-Kohler and Barbara Zwiesler. The Green Labs Fair is also supported by the NIH Office of Research Facilities, Division of Environmental Protection.

Contact NEMS

We look forward to hearing from you. Reach out to us in an email.