The NIH Chemical Waste Management program emphasizes the reduction of chemical waste generation wherever feasible, especially the prevention or reduction in quantity and toxicity of pollutants and waste at the source. Various offices within the NIH interact within the NIH Chemical Waste Management program. The Division of Environmental Protection (DEP) provides services related to the treatment and disposal of chemical waste. The Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) identifies potentially hazardous situations in work areas and recommends appropriate control measures. DOHS also reviews safety protocol for work involving certain hazardous chemicals to ensure that the proposed activities are conducted by trained personnel using the proper safety equipment. The NIH Occupational Medical Service offers a comprehensive occupational medical care program to NIH employees, including providing emergency medical treatment in the event of an acute chemical exposure and providing periodic medical surveillance. The Division of Radiation Safety (DRS) provides training, technical assistance, and health physics services to the ICs on radiation safety and radioactive and mixed waste management.