This document establishes and describes NIDCD’s policies and procedures for conducting operations and activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. It will serve as the point of reference from which all procedures will be derived. It is expected and intended that the NIDCD Green Policy will evolve with changes in NIH guidance and as the NIDCD develops and incorporates better ideas and tools for protecting the environment and conserving energy.
In 2005, the NIH Director created the Environmental Policy of the National Institutes of Health to officially declare a commitment to the protection of the environment and responsible use of natural resources. As the steward of medical and behavioral research for the Nation, the NIH leads the way in the pursuit of knowledge about living systems and the application of this knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce illness and disability. As proactive keepers of the public health and the environment, the NIH community embraces conservation, pollution prevention, and sustainable development while continually seeking to reduce resource consumption.
The NIH environmental policy establishes the following important commitments:
Compliance with all federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations, as well as Executive Orders.
- Prevention of pollution by minimizing the generation of wastes where possible, reducing consumption, recycling materials,and disposing of wastes in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Integration of environmental and health considerations into decision-making processes.
All NIH employees are responsible for being aware of the environmental and health impacts of their jobs and for continually striving to minimize these impacts as set forth in this policy.
NIDCD is committed to protecting the public health by conducting our operations and activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. We recognize that reducing and, where possible, eliminating the environmental impacts of our activities is an important part of our mission as stewards of the public health. We strive to be a leader among the NIH Institutes and Centers in achievingenvironmental excellence. As such, we will work with our employees and other internal and external entities to establish and follow principles, in conjunction with the Environmental Policy of the NIH that will guide NIDCD environmental practices.
The NIDCD guiding principles and practices to achieve resource conservation, waste reduction, and sustainability overall are summarized below:
Comply with mandatory requirements and conduct our activities and operate our facilities within applicable environmental laws and regulations
Conserve energy and other natural resources
Encourage employees to use mass transit or other alternative forms of transportation
Reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce waste
Minimize the production of hazardous waste
Adopt green procurement practices
Ensure all employees complete the environmental awareness training
Continue to review and minimize the impacts of our activities.
Minimize Waste and Increase Recycling
Employees shall:
Use durable reusable beverage containers, plates, and utensils.
Reduce the amount of toner in documents that will be printed when possible.
Print documents in black and white or grayscale whenever possible.
As a requirement, recycle paper, paper products, plastic, binders, folders, catalogs, boxes, bottles, cans, batteries, electronics, toner and ink cartridges.
Donate, or find new purposes for, used furniture and electronics through the Property Utilization Branch.