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NIH Environmental Management System

Take Action to Protect the Future


February 2023

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​​​​Featured Article                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

​​​2022 NIH Green Labs Program Recap​

​The 2022 NIH Green Labs Program concluded on November 30, 2022. This was the 5th year of the Green Labs Program (GLP), which began in 2018. The 2022 GLP granted four levels of certification to NIH labs based on their green practices indicated through a self-assessment form. The Platinum level was awarded to labs that replied “Yes” to all 34 statements, the Gold level was awarded for replying “Yes” to at least 25 statements, the Silver level was awarded for replying “Yes” to at least 15 statements and the Bronze level was awarded for replying “Yes” to at least 10 statements. The self-assessment form containing these 34 statements can be viewed here.

A total of 132 applications were received from 20 ICOs for the 2022 GLP. This amount far exceeds any of the previous GLP years, with 52 submissions as the largest amount from any previous year. From the 132 submissions, 40 labs achieved the Gold level, 74 labs achieved the Silver level, 13 labs achieved the Bronze level and 5 labs did not meet the criteria for certification. None of the submissions achieved the Platinum level, however a handful of labs were close with over 30 “Yes” responses.

Of the 20 ICOs that participated in the 2022 GLP, two are first-time participants: NINR and NLM. The largest number of participants came from NIAID with 24 labs, and NCI (18 labs), NIEHS (18 labs) and NIDDK (12 labs) each had strong showings. The chart below shows how ICO participation has evolved throughout the first five years of the GLP.

​Another interesting result from the 2022 GLP is that 94 of the 132 submissions responded “Yes” to being subscribed to the NIH Green Zone Newsletter. We greatly appreciate all of the readers that participated in the 2022 GLP and we hope you will continue to participate and help to grow the program in 2023!



​How Is Climate Change Affecting Winter?​

​We are in the middle of the cold winter season all across the United States. Depending on where you live and work, you may be dealing with below-freezing temperatures, snow, rain, wind, ice and more. These winter weather conditions have likely already changed over the past few decades due to global warming and they will likely change even more in the future.


​​Take Action                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Have Your Kids Enter the 2023 HHS Earth Day Kids’ Poster Contest!​

​Do you have kids in your family that like to draw? Are they interested in learning about the environment or sharing what they know about the environment with others? If so, have them enter the 2023 HHS Earth Day Kids’ Poster Contest!​​


NEMS Training                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Did you know? The Green Labs Program has been adapted to fit special lab situations, like the Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx). Green Labs Program variants for specific NIH campuses are possible in future years too! To learn more about sustainability at the NIH, please visit the NEMS Training webpage to view a short (20 minute) NIH environmental awareness training video.

​​​​​​​​The NIH Green Zone Newsletter is a publication intended to inform NIH staff about the Division of Environmental Protection and NIH Green Teams projects and initiatives. The text contained in this newsletter is not copyrighted and can be reprinted without permission. If you use portions of this newsletter in your own publication, we ask that you please credit the source. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you.​​
​Division of Environmental Protection | Office of Research Facilities | Office of Management

National Institutes of Health | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services​

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We look forward to hearing from you. Reach out to us in an email.