The Office of Research Facilities, Division of Environmental Protection, has created a new chemical waste tag for the NIH Maryland Facilities to comply with the new EPA hazardous waste generator regulations (Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule). This rule provides a better understanding of how the RCRA works, addresses gaps in the existing regulations to strengthen environmental protection, and provides greater flexibility for hazardous waste generators to manage their hazardous waste cost-effectively and protectively. The purpose for this rule change was to make regulations more user-friendly and thus improve usability by the regulated community.
Hazard Waste Determination
Hazardous waste determination will now be made at the point of generation (in the labs). This determination is a procedure to establish whether a waste is a hazardous waste. The question becomes, "Is my waste a hazardous waste regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)?"
If something is not a hazardous waste, then it is not regulated under RCRA. Proper identification of a hazardous waste can be a difficult and confusing task. NIH staff will be required to complete the Hazardous Waste Determination section on the new NIH Waste Tag:

- Know the chemical hazards for the contained waste
- Apply the hazards by marking the pictograms on the waste tag
- Check "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the waste is hazardous
Transition to the new tag can be accomplished with minimal effort required from NIH staff. The new tags are available at the
Self-Service Stores (Bldg. 10, room B2B41/301-496-2051 or Bldg. 31, room B1A47/301-496-4430), packaging (10 tags with 10-12 coated twist ties in shrink wrap) and stock number NSN: 753000L075985 remain the same. To assist with any questions that may come from the new tag, such as with waste characterization, DEP has created a guidance document and hazard search table (both can be found in the resource section below). The number for the DEP Waste and Resource Recovery Branch is included on the tag, as well as a QR code connecting users to the new 2021 NIH Waste Disposal Guide. Please contact DEP at 301-496-7990 with any questions regarding the new Chemical Waste Tag.