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September 2024 Spotlight

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​​​​​​​​​A Look Behind the Curtain of the NIH Green Labs Fair​

​​Get ready to put your ecolabel knowledge to use! A staple of sustainability at the NIH is returning once again, as the 2024 NIH Green Labs Fair​ (GLF) is scheduled to be held on Thursday, September 26 from 10am to 3pm in the Building 10 South Lobby, Bethesda Campus. The event is open to all NIH researchers, staff and visitors interested in learning about sustainable laboratory practices, products and green alternatives. ​

The GLF Planning Committee is championed by event founding members Minoo Shakoury-Elizeh of NIDDK, Dr. Daman Kumari of NIDDK and Barbara Zwiesler of NIDCD, along with support from the NIH Office of Research Facilities, Division of Environmental Protection (DEP). These groups have curated a diverse showcase of exhibits and vendors applicable to NIH labs.

Josh Haines, a Physical Scientist with DEP, has lent a helping hand in the coordination of the Fair for several years. He believes that, while research and technology is constantly evolving, the mission of the GLF will remain rooted in operational efficiency. Each display is carefully chosen to increase awareness and provide opportunities to explore the best fit for each labs’ specific needs, budgets and grant requirements - without disruption to research activities.

“The first steps typically involve reaching out to the vendors that attended last year and new vendors that have been suggested by NIH staff.”

This process begins around mid-June, and consideration is extended to all green product vendors for as long as space is available. This is done alongside coordination with NIH Research Festival and Building 10 event staff to ensure the space is arranged for the day of the event. Once all these factors are addressed, it is time for Josh and the others to tackle the next biggest task: advertising.

“You can expect to see emails, flyers, yard signs and many forms of digital advertisement beginning soon!”

Advertisement is an integral part of promoting green programs at the NIH, as otherwise, important opportunities for sustainable improvement may go unseen. While this final part of the Green Labs Fair coordination can be the most difficult and delicate, Josh sees a silver lining. He believes all this hard effort introducing new green products and practices to the NIH, helps to protect human health and the environment.

“We hope you can join us at the 2024 Green Labs Fair!”

Below is a list of registered vendors that will have representatives available to answer questions at this event:

  • ​10X Genomics
  • Advanced Cell Diagnostics
  • Agilent
  • Benjamin Office Supply
  • Bio-Techne
  • Diversified Biotech
  • Diversified Laboratory Repair (DLR)
  • Eppendorf
  • Fisher Scientific
  • Gilson
  • Greiner Bio-One
  • Grenova
  • Imgen/DeNovix
  • LabArchives
  • MilliporeSigma
  • NIH Supply Center
  • PHC (Panasonic)
  • Rainin
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • USA Scientific
  • VWR

To learn more please visit the GLF webpage​.

There will also be exhibits outlining sustainable efforts internal to the NIH. Below is a list of some of the entities who will be present:

  • ​DEP
  • NIH Decommissioning Program
  • NIH Lab Managers Working Group
  • NIH Sustainability Programs (DEP/Sustainability Branch)
  • ORF/ORS Green Team
  • Waste and Recycling Programs (DEP/Waste & Resource Recovery Branch)

If you have any further questions, comments or inquiries, please contact Josh at

*Please note listings of products and services do not constitute endorsement by the NIH

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What are Ecolabels?

​​​​Ecolabels are more than just extra markings on product packaging. They are certifications provided to products and services that meet specific environmental standards​​. Read the full article to learn more about these environmental labels!​


​​Take Action                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

​​How Do I Use Ecolabels?​​​​​

​​The EPA has a great variety of ecolabel recommendations for federal purchasing, so this article will explore the three flagship options: ENERGY STAR, WaterSense and Safer Choice. Here’s how you can use these ecolabels to enhance sustainability in your practices and facilities.​


NEMS Training                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Did you know? ​​​The EPA has a list of certified ecolabels that require products to meet specific standards. These ecolabels are a trustworthy standard to ensure you are purchasing a product that is environmentally-friendly. To learn more about sustainable acquisitions at the NIH​, please visit the NEMS T​raining webpage to view a short (20 minute) NIH environmental awareness training video.​

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​​​If you found this article useful, please let us know! We appreciate hearing how we might improve our future articles, including topics you would like to read about. Please take a moment to complete this quick feedback form:

​​​​​​​​The NIH Green Zone Newsletter is a publication intended to inform NIH staff about the Division of Environmental Protection and NIH Green Teams projects and initiatives. The text contained in this newsletter is not copyrighted and can be reprinted without permission. If you use portions of this newsletter in your own publication, we ask that you please credit the source. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Thank you.​​
​Division of Environmental Protection | Office of Research Facilities | Office of Management

National Institutes of Health | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services​

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